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60 Days of Positivity and Motivation

Writer: Haddie DanerHaddie Daner

Updated: Sep 30, 2023

Sometimes all we need is a fresh start. Life takes many twists and turns and we can not always control the next step. What you can control is how you chose to move forward and begin the day. When I graduated from Sonoma State University, I moved to Oceanside. 9 hours south of my 4-year homeland with almost everything being so different. I appreciated the time Sonoma State University gave me and am sad I had to leave. Yet, I knew this would be a new beginning as I left for graduate school in Jerusalem at the beginning of August 2023. I drove down to Oceanside on May 31st and woke up on June 1st determined to start fresh. Whenever I think of Post-It notes, I believe they serve as reminders. To me, they are reminders of positivity. I would usually write positive notes to my friends and have decided I should write positive notes for myself as well. After I decorated my room I noticed I had quite some extra space on my wall. I kept asking myself, "What should I put here?". I had an idea that I would create a wall of positive Post-Its for the 60 days I would be in Oceanside. I wanted to continuously see growth in my mental and physical health as I believed I can make the improvements I wanted to and achieve the progress I want. The process was difficult in the start with so many emotions and memories I realized undergrad was truly over. I kept my head up and put my focus on running, journaling, and visiting the beach weekly. I spent a lot of time at my grandma's and the constant 2 hour commute gave me time to myself to truly only be with myself. I would think about my past and manifest my future. I would call friends and sing to myself and always remind myself to be grateful for where I was. At the end of the 60 days I saw a transformation in not just my physical self, but emotional and mental as well. I felt healthier, stronger, and happier. I wanted to share my notes to let others know the only person in control of your life is you. The only person who presses play and pause is you. You are your own coach and player. You are always stronger than you seem and you are not alone in your journey.

Day 1

Everything starts small, takes time, and doesn't bloom right away.

But we all start from the start and learn to grow from the heart. I love you Haddie.

You've got this.


Day 2

It's okay to miss people, places, and the "way things used to be". But the world never stops turning and every day is a new day. You can't take a new step if you're still on the same stone. Remember, all steps along the way are a part of the journey. God and life will take you—peace, positivity, and patience.

Day 3

Don't worry about the past or the future. Don't chase things and people like a domino. Understand that sometimes you've already done what you could and to be okay with that. No one or thing is perfect. Learning to love yourself, imperfect and all. You are beautiful, genuine, and kind. Don't let anyone take that away.

Day 4

Be patient. Time really heals, but time is slow. That is the beauty in its magic. While time is long, it reminds us to enjoy the journey. Looking around, stopping to sit, and feel. Be patient and allow time to do its thing.

Day 5

Believe in yourself. Believe in your heart, mind, and soul you can do what you want. Reach the goals and dreams you have. Believing is seeing a vision, finding steps to get there, and being determined. Many people can be believers, it is just about staying determined. Believing is knowing you can do it.

Day 6

Express gratitude and appreciation. Realizing you are fortunate beyond riches. The world around us is full of gifts. Flowers, the sky, and trees are just a few things. Art, paths, and rocks. Being grateful for what you have helps keep you positive and humbled.

Day 7

Mountains, rain, snow, and all parts of the weather cycle are just like life. Not every day is sunny, but it is how you chose to live hiding inside or continuing climbing, dancing in the rain, or playing in the snow. Life is what you make the most of each day, so make it worth it.

Day 8

Trust in others, yourself, and God. Trust is understanding letting go, and believing in others. Trust that people mean what they say. Trust that there is good in people's hearts, and God's plan,

Day 9

Nothing is usually easy. You just get better at conquering challenges and obstacles. The more you practice, the better you progress. And progress never stops. Try your best in life and you will fail, but failing is the first attempt in learning.

Day 10

The cards we were dealt with in life we didn't choose. It is all about how you choose to play them fairly or hold on or risk them is all up to you. You must have hope, strategy, and a little luck.

Day 11

Listen to your body, mind, and soul. Give yourself a break and time to rest. If you never rest, you'll never recharge. We all need to recharge to come back strong and ready again. Listening gives us new ideas and prospectives.

Day 12

Be grateful if you get a second chance. It is an opportunity to redeem yourself. With this chance, I hope you chose to want to do better and be better for yourself and others. Not everyone gets a second chance, so be grateful.

Day 13

Stepping out of your comfort and try something new. It may seem scary, but you'll never know if you never go. Be unafraid of change as trying new things helps us find who we are.

Day 14

Waking up each day is enough. You are enough. The way you look, walk, and talk is enough. Don't think you are anything less or more than others because all people are enough.

Day 15

Take it easy. Who you used to be doesn't define who you are now or who you're going to be. Who you want to be is who you'll be.

Day 16

Take time to look around you. Stop trying to rush and just take your time. We make up this life, so make it up to you.

Day 17

Being honest is really the best policy. Honesty is taking responsibility for how you feel or what you did. Honest people have integrity. Integrity is a moral I chose to try and live by. Being honest is what we all should strive for to be a step in bettering ourselves.

Day 18

It's okay to be sad, but not swim in your tears. It's okay to miss the way things once were, but don't turn your back on the future. It's okay to feel stagnant. Life is all about ups and downs, but let the past teach you how to move forward.

Day 19

Sometimes people will come and go in your life. They may leave temporarily or forever. But hopefully with the time you shared, you created memories, learned lessons, and how to treat others with respect & love.

Day 20

Be amazed at how far you've come. The in-between and the great unknown can teach you a lot, if you chose to keep an open mind.

Day 21

Small steps create a journey. Every foot forward is taking faith in the unknown. It is having trust in yourself and the universe that all your steps and journey will be where you are meant to go.

Day 22

Find happiness in your dreams and the world you live in. Waking up everyday is a gift. Seeing the room where you wake up, hearing the alarm, and feeling the blankets before you. Tasting your toothpaste, and touching your hair to start each day a new.

Day 23

Take the warning signs as a tool meant to help you. You have the choice to ignore them or listen. Just remember you can never be too cautious with all the warnings. Protecting yourself & others from getting hurt along the way, listen to the signs.

Day 24

Release the past & negativity. As you continue, receive the new and good. Take a while to really be open to receive. Then return to yourself and the earth. Return to your higher self.

Day 25

Never stop learning. Learning about yourself, someone else's story, the past, the present, the future, old habits & mistakes, nature, morals, God, cultures, languages, the city your in, your family, friends, & love.

Day 26

Sometimes we must see the bigger picture. Being so focused on the end goal, doesn't allow yourself to take a moment on how to get there. Take it moment by moment.

Day 27

Listening helps us learn. If you never hear a story or someone's past you'd have never known. Listening helps us reflect what someone said, how you felt, and what you learned.

Day 28

Don't give up. It may be easier to stop, but you can't see the progress you make when you keep going forward. Just because you may be struggling doesn't mean you're falling.

Day 29

Reward yourself without indulgence. Maintain your strength and power to say "No". Know your limits and boundaries. By knowing this, you know yourself and you do. You test your power and strength.

Day 30

Catastrophe is a part of life. Events and stumbles are bound to knock you over. Sometimes it may not seem like it, but it was meant to happen. To teach us lessons we never knew we needed. And that is life.

Day 31

You have to let go of fear, doubt, worry, overthinking, and your physical reflection so you can flow.

Day 32

Choose happiness. Choose to find joy. Choose to find hope. Choose to feel good. Choose to take a chance. Chose to love yourself. The choice is ALWAYS yours.

Day 33

Let your dreams be bigger than your worries. You are capable of your mind, not the worries that haven't arrived.

Day 34

Remember to find something new, something to smile at, and something to cherish. Take each day for all that it is.

Day 35

People will either come into your life to be a blessing or teach you a lesson. Either choose or walk away. Sometimes we get hurt, but remember you're never broken.

Day 36

Always stay humble and kind. Wish nothing, but the best for others. Karma finds a way as you walk the other way. Keep your spirit & head high & keep walking.

Day 37

Those that mind, don't matter. Those that don't mind matter. Choose loyalty because rocks and roots, just keep growing.

Day 38

When you finally start growing up, you'll also begin to glow up. Learning to mature, makes you bloom and blossom. Just remember that.

Day 39

You are who you choose to be, not what your past has been. Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Day 40

When people can't be happy for you, it's because they can't be happy for themselves. It's only a reflection, not a reflection of you.

Day 41

Cry when it hurts, laugh when it's funny. Chase after your dreams and not the money. ~ Old Dominion

Day 42

Love isn't perfect. It's complicated, but full of care, compassion, and comfort. People aren't perfect and we make mistakes, but that will never change your love for them.

Day 43

Do what you can to help make the world a better place. You are capable of doing good and being good.

Day 44

Embrace who you are. Know that everyone is beautiful in their own way. Accept your flaws and imperfections and above all else love yourself no matter what.

Day 45

Smile at what you have. Enjoy it while you can, and take every opportunity with caution.

Day 46

Don't look back it's in the past. Don't look down in sorrow. And don't look forward because you won't see the end. Look up to God and you'll be okay.

Day 47

People change. For the good, the bad, and whatever. You just have to keep being you and stay in your lane. It is allowing others to be who they want to be and you being you.

Day 48

Everyday is a fresh start to improve. Even if other's or you don't see it right away, it's all the small steps that add up.

Day 49

Always remember, you are stronger than you will ever know. People may try to knock you down, but all you have to do, is stand your ground.

Day 50

Take responsibility. Owning up to your mistakes and learning from our faults, is truly the only way, we can learn to grow together and move forward.

Day 51

Lend a hand for someone to hold. Lend an ear for someone to talk. Lend a smile to someone who's sad. Lend advice for someone in need. Lend a heart to those who need love.

Day 52

Remember to stay in your own lane. It may seem hard to want to move into someone else's who are moving faster, but everyone gets to their destination on their own.

Day 53

Be unafraid to speak your truth. Those who choose to believe you, believe in you too.

Day 54

It's okay to walk alone. Being with yourself, gives you time to recharge, rechannel, and reconnect.

Day 55

Don't stoop to someone's low level. Stay standing tall until they reach your level.

Day 56

People come into your life to either be a reason, stay for a season, or a lifetime.

Day 57

Let your intuition guide you. Follow your heart and listen to your dreams.

Day 58

Live everyday as if there's no tomorrow. Chances & risks are choices and you may only get them once.

Day 59

Life is about finding your best self. Finding your purpose on how to help others and teach the world.

Day 60

At the end of the day, the only person who needs to believe in you, is yourself.


1 Comment

Drew Daner
Drew Daner
Jun 06, 2023

Love this! Your words are inspiring and heartfelt.❤️


© 2024 by Haddie Daner

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